subsequent story segments must remain within the genre the story was begun
Hero's must be hero's, though they can have faults
Warning: as with all things a human endevours to create, this may cause global warming

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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Mid May story 2011

  • Theme:
    • race against time/metamorphosis story
  • Setting: 
    • utopia/pirate
  • Elements:
    • The story starts in a crypt. 
    • The story must involve a belt in it.
  • Must start with the phrase:
    • "I felt like I had no choice but to..."
Ashleigh will join the boys this time and write the first part.

Lou E Gee’s Contribution:
I felt I had no choice but to lick the frog. My men were watching, expecting me to take charge and do whatever it took to reach our goal, including licking disgusting creatures. Well, it wouldn’t be the most disgusting thing I ever licked.
The Seer looked at me with an evil grin, toying with the power she now held over me. I grumbled under my breath. She was enjoying this.
Tentatively, I brought the frog up to my face. Green slime coated its warty skin, giving off a foul reek. It felt slimy on my hand and I couldn’t help but imagine that same feeling on my tongue. I gagged at the thought and the Seer grew angry.
“Well?” she demanded in a high pitched, chirpy voice, “No lick frog, no get handsome girl. Lick frog, I help you.”
I grimaced. It really did smell awful. Those great, watery green eyes looked at me soullessly. It wouldn’t care if I licked it, it would probably enjoy it as much as the Seer!
I had to though. My crew expected it of me, and my love depended on it. Even now she was trapped in his clutches, and all the treasure we had collected in our... maritime... expeditions.
I took a deep breath and ...

Mr. Nibbs’ Contribution:
... said, “Pass the Tartar Sauce.”
A huge exhale came from the crew; it was so loud that I could here it echo through the crypt.
”Now!” exclaimed the Seer, “You need to do before his men come.”   Feeling that I had no other choice I licked the little green froggy. “Yes! Now place critter in bottle.”   The Seer gave me a small bottle.
“Why do I have to put the frog in this bottle?” I questioned.
“You need key.”
I did as I was told and put the frog in the little bottle.”What was that suposed to do?” Just then the crypt started to shake.
”Cap’n what’s going on?” asked first mate Willy.
”No! His men here!” exclaimed the Seer.  “We go now!” continued the Seer.  
My crew and I headed for the door. “Seer, come on!” I shouted back
“Wait, child!  I must light fuse.” While I looked back I saw the Seer light a match and touch it to a small string.  ”Quick run!” she shouted.
As we ran out i knew that we only had an iota of time to escape.

Pickle’s Contribution:
At that moment a big blast happened.  The blast launched me, my crew and the seer out of the crypt.  The blast knocked me out.
When I awoke, a black robed man stood over me, a gleaming glass belt around his waist.  The belt!  It was so close but yet so far out of reach.
“I give you, Bill Ravenbeard.  Just as promised,” said the Seer.
I looked at the seer with disgust.  “How could you?”  The Seer merely shrugged and stepped aside as  Horrorfear The Horrorific waved her aside.
“I will deal with this imbecile two days in the torture chamber with you..........

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